Monday 12 November 2012

Cairo...getting there continued

 So there we are me and "Ahkmed the Intrepid".....driving off into the Cairo night.
    He has precise instructions from my  friend Kim I saw them in his hand about how to get to her apartment in a Cairo subdivision called Majjdi.
I asked him if he knew English and he said he was learning it....and pulled an Egyptian-English work book out of his glove compartment so he was giving it a shot.
    Just to make conversation I asked him how long it will take to get there...he didn't understand me
 ...I asked him if he had a wife or a girl friend......he didn't understand me....
I asked him if he was a giraffe...he didn't understand me...
Okay so Ahkmed dosen't understand English. 
   We go tearing down Cairo's version of the 401 or 403 and everyone is behaving.....but when we get to the off ramp where two cars should be  making the turn
there are four cars vying for the two lanes....fortunately every one seems to know what's going on and there's no crash tonite...
Down we go....Kim phones to find out how were doing "Akhmed the Invincibal "tells her everything is fine...I get on his phone and say yeah things are looking good the airport was a breeze...and I'm seeing Maadi signs all over the we must be getting very close..
She says well if you have problems call me....not sure what good would that do..
Off the brightly lit highway we go into the darkness of the the suburb....the first thing "Ahkmed the Not so Sure" does is stop at a little local store and yells out the window across me to anyone who will listen wanting  directions,
Lot's of Arabic ensues and wildly gesticlulating hands......alas Allah.... everyone has an opinion of where we should go...but no one knows for sure...
I'm thinking here we go....Ahkmed "The Gifted Navigator" assures me  he "understands"
A half hour later we are still trapped in the nether regions of this town...with no hope in site.
Off to my right on this little side street I see a sign that says...."Irish Nursery" on the side of a building....I say to "Ahkmed the Confused" pullover my friend.
He says no "I understand I understand"....I said no Ahkmed you don't understand where we my friend.
He got Kim on the line....and I said...we`re like totally lost...but I think we`re near ...there`s a buidling here with a sign on it that says ``Irish Nursery`` ....can you give us a hand ....she says she knows the building....YES!
We just have to drive straight for another block or so past the Mosque.
I say to "Ahkmed the Lost One"..we go past the Mosque...What??? the Mosque past the Mosque...what?? I say never mind just go ...GO!
...I ask Kim to stand in the street ...and that`s how we found her.
We up pull Kim is with the doorman....a funny looking little guy with a bent wing...she says Brent I want to introduce you too....I said no let me guess...Ahkmed...she says how did you know????
I said...."it is common".....
Remembering names isn't going to be a problem here.
A hot shower several cold is good.
Next: Cairo's drinking clubs et al...I think you can comment if you want


  1. On to the drinking stories...OD

  2. Glad you made it safely. What is Akhmed in English? Andy? Al? RL

  3. when in doubt yell 'Ahkmed'! Someone's bound to answer....<3 Meaghan
