Friday 8 February 2013

Faces of Cairo

Cairo is a city of 20 million people....and lots of animals.  Here are just a few of them.

Ahkmed.....he's our "Boab" the apartment building doorman and guard.
I give him an extra hundred pounds (about 15 dollars) a month. It's nice to have someone to greet you and open the door when you get home. EVERY building in Cairo has it's Boab. They usually have the job for life!

Lucy our Phillipina cleaning lady. The highlight of her week is going to church on her day off. I tease her.....and ask if she's going to have a few drinks this week-end and go down and throw fire bombs around Tahrir square....she laughs and says "Oh sir". It says a lot about the state of affairs in the Phillipines when you have to come to Cairo to make some money!

My tailor. He has a little shop on a side street in the Arab bazzar area of Hadayek Maadi. You can get a suit here either made or off the rack for suprisingly little money.

Luis and his wife Bettina...They're from Brazil...and teach with Kim at the Cairo American College. They also live in the same apartment building as Kim a couple of floors down. The picture is taken when we were out for a pork dinner at the "Ace Club"

Kim and a couple of Arab women waiting for the Metro train at the Sakinet el
 (mosque) Maddi stop. We are heading down to the big Arab bazzar in Helwan...the last stop on the train.

Helwan Arab bazzar a couple of the fish mongers  hamming it up for the camera. Some people like you take their picture...others not so much.

Helwan Arab bazzar.
An Arab
 merchant women selling eating pigeons a great delicacy here. But expensive ....they cost about four dollars a can buy a chicken for five!

Helwan Arab bazzar.
Ready for the pot! These little critters will make a tasy meal for someone tonite!

Kim's geography class...out on a field trip on road 9 in Maadi.

Brent and falucca driver....a chilly night on the Nile!

A beggar woman in a wheelchair....very near our apartment building.
I think she has leprosy...someone sets her down there everyday....very early in the morning...she spends the entire day there. I give her all
my silver's worth so little I can't even figure out what it might it works well for beggars.

Faces of protest Tahrir Square.

Caught! I came back from a shopping excursion in the souk at Helwan and found a noisey rally blocking my way to the Metro station. I sneaked through...and then thought I would snap a couple of pictures ...but obviously these two guys caught me. They came running up and I thought I might have go into defend myself mode....but they actually started yelling at me saying .....Yes Yes...take more pictures...we're hungry ....we want everyone to know what's going on here. I said no problem and ran to the train and go the hell out of there!

The maitre 'd at Barry's restaurant Giza

My dentists...father son. I spent some quality time with them..while they fixed my teeth...not exactly how I like spending my time away from home....but their work is excellent...and so much cheaper than Canada.

The dentist receptionist....she was there so I took her picture.
The guy at the local flower shop.

A fixture in Cairo.....the long suffering burro. This guy is here everday just outside the Sakinet el Maddi metro station. Two kilos of oranges two kilos of tangerines cost about a dollar twenty Canadian. Guess what I ate a lot of.

A nubian cook at the "Ace Club" preparing the meat for shwarma....chopped
up beef in pita bread....makes a nice little sandwich!

Kim and teacher friends at the "Ace Club" for an after school drinky and snacks.

El salamma  b

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